Open Forums coming soon!
We will be hosting web-based forums twice per month starting in January 2025. These will occur in the second week of every month following, and the fourth week of every month following, with specific dates and times being informed closer to the meeting.
The idea behind these forums is to give members a chance to directly interact the the admins, state committees, and each other.
Union Seminar on 12/17/2024
One of our members, BenShallop, will be hosting on 12/17/2024 7:00PM
Here he will go over how Unions operate in New England, what laws apply to them, what their impact is, and how best we can move forward with approaching them.
Google Meets:
Upcoming Legal updates
We expect to receive legal representation in early 2025. One of our admins is going to see what is covered through the legal entities already provided for themselves, and how much crossover there can be for the movement. As well as costs associated and what we can expect going forward.
Voting for the Executive Committee is set to commence on 12/20 and will last through 12/27! After the Executive Committee is established, State Committees will then be formed.
Nominate members here:
We want your opinion on the issues of membership fees before we decide whether or not to bring this to an official vote after the committees are formed and staffed. If this is unpopular, we would continue to look for other ways to fund the movement and not pursue the idea of dues any further.
If implemented, those whom don’t pay dues can’t vote in meetings, but are still welcome to attend and gain information/insight. They can also participate in other movement activities, but cannot hold leadership positions.
Dues would be used to help fund the organization, and expense reports would be publicly available every month. You would be able to see how much money we receive, what it’s going towards, and what our intentions are with it.
Please participate in the survey.
Note: We anticipate membership fees to between $5 and $15 if they were instituted.
Committee Meetings would be documented and publicly available.
Bylaws are now up!
Bylaws have now been added to all pages! We shall leave them publicly available so that all members can understand how the organization operates. Thank you!